牙周炎 如何形成?


由於牙週炎主要是由牙菌膜裏的細菌積聚於牙周袋內及牙根表面,牙刷及牙線未能清潔到的口腔地方而引起,有害細菌很容易又能重新積聚。當口腔中有足夠L. Reuteri就能通過口水把益生菌帶到牙周袋內發揮作用,有效抑制口腔內的有害细菌生長就能帮助預防牙週炎的形成。


2016年公報了一項醫學綜合分析報告META-ANALYSIS. 綜合多個醫學臨床測試, 證實牙週炎患者使用寶特士益生菌後牙週炎的三項指標CLINICAL ATTACHMENT LEVEL (CAL),BLEEDING ON PROBING(BOP) 牙肉出血,中度至深度PERIODONTAL POCKET DEPTH (PPD) 牙周袋深度都能得到明顯改善(P<0.05)

Martin-Cabezas R et al. Clinical efficacy of probiotics as an adjunctive therapy to non-surgical periodontal treatment of chronic periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis, J Clin Periodontol. 2016 Jun;43(6):520-30. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12545

2013 年比利時的一項臨床測試30名牙週炎病人使用12星期的寶特士益生菌 後能明顯减少47%牙齒需要動用手術治療(P=0.045)

Teughels W, Durukan A, Ozcelik O, Pauwels M, Quirynen M, Haytac MC. (2013) Clinical and microbiological effects of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotics in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a randomized placebo-controlled study. J Clin Periodontol. 40:1025–1035. Open access: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcpe.12155/pdf

2015年土耳其的一項臨床測試40名牙週炎患者使用21天寶特士益生菌,在隨後的一年跟進觀察發現, 牙週炎4大指摽都比對照組有明顯優勝(P=0.045)

Merve Tekce et al. (2015) Clinical and microbiological effects of probiotic lozenges in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a 1-year follow-up study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology Volume 42, Issue 4, pages 363–372, April 2015